Brooklyn Bulldogs
College Football Scores

Brooklyn College of the City University of New York --- Brroklyn, New York


Historical and current won-loss records by seasons,
opponents, conferences, and decades as well as
individual game results, future schedules, and a variety
of analytical trends. Go Bulldogs!
Brooklyn Bulldogs Brooklyn Bulldogs helmet college football pro football


Brooklyn Bulldogs
Annual Won/Loss Records

*   winning% >= 50%
P   postseason appearance







Brooklyn Bulldogs
Data Analytics

Winning Percentage By Year Bar Chart


Point Differential By Year Bar Chart


Team Performance Gauges


Winning Percentage By Year Histogram





Brooklyn Bulldogs
Opponent Records Sorted By Games Played

City College of New York 15 11-2-2 .800
Pace 13 1-12 .077
St. John's (NY) 13 4-9 .308
Marist 12 5-7 .417
St. Peter's (NJ) 11 8-3 .727
Stony Brook 11 2-9 .182
Kean 9 0-9 .000
New Jersey City 9 0-9 .000
New York Maritime 9 8-1 .889
Alfred 8 1-7 .125
Merchant Marine 8 0-8 .000
Rensselaer Poly 8 0-8 .000
Wagner 8 3-5 .375
FDU-Teaneck 7 5-2 .714
Manhattan 7 5-2 .714
New York 7 0-7 .000
New York Tech 7 2-5 .286
Iona 6 3-3 .500
Rutgers-Newark 6 5-1 .833
Siena 6 2-4 .333
Concordia (NY) 5 3-1-1 .700
Gallaudet 5 0-5 .000
Hofstra 5 2-3 .400
St. John Fisher 5 0-5 .000
William Paterson 5 0-5 .000
Delaware Valley 4 0-3-1 .125
Rutgers-Livingston 4 4-0 1.000
Adelphi 3 0-3 .000
Fairfield 3 3-0 1.000
St. Francis (PA) 3 0-3 .000
Upsala 3 0-3 .000
Ursinus 3 0-3 .000
Boston College 2 0-2 .000
Brockport 2 0-2 .000
Catholic 2 1-1 .500
Connecticut 2 0-2 .000
Hamilton 2 0-2 .000
Hobart 2 0-2 .000
Massachusetts 2 1-1 .500
Niagara 2 1-1 .500
Northeastern 2 1-1 .500
Panzer (NJ) 2 1-1 .500
Queens 2 2-0 1.000
Rhode Island 2 0-2 .000
Southern Connecticut 2 1-1 .500
St. Lawrence 2 1-1 .500
Swarthmore 2 0-2 .000
Worcester Poly 2 0-2 .000
Albany 1 0-1 .000
Assumption 1 0-1 .000
Atlantic City NAS (NJ) 1 0-0-1 .500
Bentley 1 0-1 .000
Bridgeport 1 1-0 1.000
Buffalo 1 0-1 .000
Buffalo Army Artillery 1 1-0 1.000
Camp Kilmer (NJ) 1 0-1 .000
Clarkston (NY) 1 0-1 .000
Fordham 1 0-1 .000
Fort Hamilton 1 1-0 1.000
Fort Totten (NY) 1 0-1 .000
Hartwick 1 1-0 1.000
Inter-American 1 1-0 1.000
Long Island 1 0-1 .000
M.I.T. 1 1-0 1.000
Manhattan Beach CG (NY) 1 0-1 .000
Maryland-Eastern Shore 1 0-1 .000
Moravian 1 0-1 .000
New York Agricultural 1 1-0 1.000
Norwich 1 0-1 .000
Rutgers 1 1-0 1.000
St. Francis (NY) 1 0-1 .000
Stonehill 1 0-1 .000
USS Lorain 1 0-0-1 .500
TOTALS 94-185-6 .340

*   current conference member


Brooklyn Bulldogs
Opponent Records Sorted Alphabetically By Opponent

Adelphi 3 0-3 .000
Albany 1 0-1 .000
Alfred 8 1-7 .125
Assumption 1 0-1 .000
Atlantic City NAS (NJ) 1 0-0-1 .500
Bentley 1 0-1 .000
Boston College 2 0-2 .000
Bridgeport 1 1-0 1.000
Brockport 2 0-2 .000
Buffalo 1 0-1 .000
Buffalo Army Artillery 1 1-0 1.000
Camp Kilmer (NJ) 1 0-1 .000
Catholic 2 1-1 .500
City College of New York 15 11-2-2 .800
Clarkston (NY) 1 0-1 .000
Concordia (NY) 5 3-1-1 .700
Connecticut 2 0-2 .000
Delaware Valley 4 0-3-1 .125
Fairfield 3 3-0 1.000
FDU-Teaneck 7 5-2 .714
Fordham 1 0-1 .000
Fort Hamilton 1 1-0 1.000
Fort Totten (NY) 1 0-1 .000
Gallaudet 5 0-5 .000
Hamilton 2 0-2 .000
Hartwick 1 1-0 1.000
Hobart 2 0-2 .000
Hofstra 5 2-3 .400
Inter-American 1 1-0 1.000
Iona 6 3-3 .500
Kean 9 0-9 .000
Long Island 1 0-1 .000
M.I.T. 1 1-0 1.000
Manhattan 7 5-2 .714
Manhattan Beach CG (NY) 1 0-1 .000
Marist 12 5-7 .417
Maryland-Eastern Shore 1 0-1 .000
Massachusetts 2 1-1 .500
Merchant Marine 8 0-8 .000
Moravian 1 0-1 .000
New Jersey City 9 0-9 .000
New York 7 0-7 .000
New York Agricultural 1 1-0 1.000
New York Maritime 9 8-1 .889
New York Tech 7 2-5 .286
Niagara 2 1-1 .500
Northeastern 2 1-1 .500
Norwich 1 0-1 .000
Pace 13 1-12 .077
Panzer (NJ) 2 1-1 .500
Queens 2 2-0 1.000
Rensselaer Poly 8 0-8 .000
Rhode Island 2 0-2 .000
Rutgers 1 1-0 1.000
Rutgers-Livingston 4 4-0 1.000
Rutgers-Newark 6 5-1 .833
Siena 6 2-4 .333
Southern Connecticut 2 1-1 .500
St. Francis (NY) 1 0-1 .000
St. Francis (PA) 3 0-3 .000
St. John Fisher 5 0-5 .000
St. John's (NY) 13 4-9 .308
St. Lawrence 2 1-1 .500
St. Peter's (NJ) 11 8-3 .727
Stonehill 1 0-1 .000
Stony Brook 11 2-9 .182
Swarthmore 2 0-2 .000
Upsala 3 0-3 .000
Ursinus 3 0-3 .000
USS Lorain 1 0-0-1 .500
Wagner 8 3-5 .375
William Paterson 5 0-5 .000
Worcester Poly 2 0-2 .000
TOTALS 94-185-6 .340

*   current conference member









Brooklyn Bulldogs
Current Schedule & Historical Game Results

F   game forfeited
V   game vacated
C   game cancelled
?   score unknown










Brooklyn Bulldogs
Conference Descriptions

ACFC   Atlantic Collegiate Football Conference
Metro   Metropolitan Conference

*   current conference affiliation




Brooklyn Bulldogs College Football Scores

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Last Updated: 9/15/2024 1:40:19 AM