Rutgers Scarlet Knights
NCAA FBS College Football Scores

Rutgers University --- New Brunswick, New Jersey


Historical and current won-loss records by seasons,
opponents, conferences, and decades as well as
individual game results, future schedules, and a variety
of analytical trends. Go Scarlet Knights!
Rutgers Scarlet Knights Rutgers Scarlet Knights college football pro football



Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Current College Football Schedule & Historical Game Results

F   game forfeited
V   game vacated
C   game cancelled
?   score unknown





Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Annual College Football Won/Loss Records

*   winning% >= 50%
P   postseason appearance





Rutgers Scarlet Knights
College Football Data Analytics

Winning Percentage By Year Bar Chart



Point Differential By Year Bar Chart



Winning Percentage vs. Point Differential Scatter Chart



Team Performance Gauges



Winning Percentage By Year Histogram





Rutgers Scarlet Knights
College Football Opponent Records Sorted By Games Played

Lehigh 48 36-12 .750
Lafayette 47 35-12 .745
Colgate 42 27-15 .643
Princeton 41 16-24-1 .402
Syracuse 40 13-27 .325
Temple 39 23-16 .590
Army 34 21-13 .618
Connecticut 33 22-11 .667
Penn State 33 1-32 .030 *
West Virginia 32 3-29 .094
Pittsburgh 30 8-22 .267
Columbia 28 16-12 .571
Boston College 27 6-20-1 .241
Delaware 21 10-10-1 .500
Cincinnati 19 9-9-1 .500
Navy 18 13-5 .722
Maryland 17 7-10 .412 *
Michigan State 16 6-10 .375 *
New York 16 9-6-1 .594
Virginia Tech 16 4-12 .250
Bucknell 14 12-2 .857
Holy Cross 13 7-6 .538
Louisville 13 7-6 .538
Boston University 12 10-2 .833
Miami 12 1-11 .083
Springfield 11 10-1 .909
Brown 10 6-4 .600
Indiana 10 5-5 .500 *
Michigan 10 1-9 .100 *
Ohio State 10 0-10 .000 *
Villanova 10 5-5 .500
William & Mary 10 6-4 .600
Illinois 9 3-6 .333 *
South Florida 9 7-2 .778
Cornell 8 5-3 .625
Buffalo 7 5-2 .714
Tulane 7 5-2 .714
Fordham 6 4-2 .667
Howard 6 6-0 1.000
Nebraska 6 0-6 .000 *
Richmond 6 5-0-1 .917
Wisconsin 6 0-6 .000 *
Harvard 5 3-2 .600
Kentucky 5 2-2-1 .500
Massachusetts 5 3-2 .600
North Carolina 5 2-3 .400
Northwestern 5 3-2 .600 *
Pennsylvania 5 3-2 .600
Duke 4 2-2 .500
Iowa 4 0-4 .000 *
Marietta 4 4-0 1.000
Minnesota 4 1-3 .250 *
Morgan State 4 4-0 1.000
Norfolk State 4 4-0 1.000
Notre Dame 4 0-4 .000
Providence 4 2-1-1 .625
Tennessee 4 1-3 .250
Johns Hopkins 3 3-0 1.000
Kent State 3 2-1 .667
Muhlenberg 3 2-0-1 .833
Ohio 3 2-1 .667
Vanderbilt 3 1-2 .333
Virginia 3 2-1 .667
Wake Forest 3 0-3 .000
Washington 3 1-2 .333 *
Widener 3 2-0-1 .833
Yale 3 2-1 .667
Air Force 2 1-1 .500
Akron 2 2-0 1.000
Alabama 2 0-2 .000
Arizona State 2 0-2 .000
Arkansas 2 2-0 1.000
Ball State 2 1-0-1 .750
California 2 0-2 .000
Central Florida 2 1-1 .500
Eastern Michigan 2 1-1 .500
Florida 2 0-1-1 .250
Florida International 2 2-0 1.000
Fort Monmouth (NJ) 2 1-0-1 .750
Franklin & Marshall 2 1-1 .500
Fresno State 2 0-2 .000
George Washington 2 2-0 1.000
Hampden-Sydney 2 2-0 1.000
Hawai'i 2 1-1 .500
Kansas 2 1-1 .500
Kansas State 2 1-1 .500
New Hampshire 2 1-1 .500
Ohio Wesleyan 2 1-0-1 .750
Purdue 2 2-0 1.000 *
Texas 2 0-2 .000
Vermont 2 2-0 1.000
Wagner 2 2-0 1.000
Washington State 2 1-1 .500
Alfred 1 1-0 1.000
Auburn 1 0-1 .000
Brooklyn 1 0-1 .000
Dartmouth 1 0-1 .000
Drexel 1 1-0 1.000
Houston 1 0-1 .000
Iowa State 1 1-0 1.000
Liberty 1 1-0 1.000
Maine 1 1-0 1.000
Manhattan 1 0-1 .000
Merchant Marine 1 1-0 1.000
New Mexico 1 1-0 1.000
North Carolina Central 1 1-0 1.000
North Carolina State 1 1-0 1.000
Quantico Marines (VA) 1 0-1 .000
Rhode Island 1 1-0 1.000
Rutgers ASTP (NJ) 1 1-0 1.000
Southern California 1 0-1 .000 *
Southern Methodist 1 1-0 1.000
St. Lawrence 1 1-0 1.000
Susquehanna 1 1-0 1.000
Swarthmore 1 0-1 .000
Tampa 1 0-1 .000
Texas Southern 1 1-0 1.000
Texas State 1 1-0 1.000
UCLA 1 0-1 .000 *
Wesleyan 1 1-0 1.000
West Chester 1 0-1 .000
Western Reserve 1 1-0 1.000
Wooster 1 1-0 1.000
TOTALS 493-473-14 .510
*   current conference member


Rutgers Scarlet Knights
College Football Opponent Records Sorted Alphabetically By Opponent

Air Force 2 1-1 .500
Akron 2 2-0 1.000
Alabama 2 0-2 .000
Alfred 1 1-0 1.000
Arizona State 2 0-2 .000
Arkansas 2 2-0 1.000
Army 34 21-13 .618
Auburn 1 0-1 .000
Ball State 2 1-0-1 .750
Boston College 27 6-20-1 .241
Boston University 12 10-2 .833
Brooklyn 1 0-1 .000
Brown 10 6-4 .600
Bucknell 14 12-2 .857
Buffalo 7 5-2 .714
California 2 0-2 .000
Central Florida 2 1-1 .500
Cincinnati 19 9-9-1 .500
Colgate 42 27-15 .643
Columbia 28 16-12 .571
Connecticut 33 22-11 .667
Cornell 8 5-3 .625
Dartmouth 1 0-1 .000
Delaware 21 10-10-1 .500
Drexel 1 1-0 1.000
Duke 4 2-2 .500
Eastern Michigan 2 1-1 .500
Florida 2 0-1-1 .250
Florida International 2 2-0 1.000
Fordham 6 4-2 .667
Fort Monmouth (NJ) 2 1-0-1 .750
Franklin & Marshall 2 1-1 .500
Fresno State 2 0-2 .000
George Washington 2 2-0 1.000
Hampden-Sydney 2 2-0 1.000
Harvard 5 3-2 .600
Hawai'i 2 1-1 .500
Holy Cross 13 7-6 .538
Houston 1 0-1 .000
Howard 6 6-0 1.000
Illinois 9 3-6 .333 *
Indiana 10 5-5 .500 *
Iowa 4 0-4 .000 *
Iowa State 1 1-0 1.000
Johns Hopkins 3 3-0 1.000
Kansas 2 1-1 .500
Kansas State 2 1-1 .500
Kent State 3 2-1 .667
Kentucky 5 2-2-1 .500
Lafayette 47 35-12 .745
Lehigh 48 36-12 .750
Liberty 1 1-0 1.000
Louisville 13 7-6 .538
Maine 1 1-0 1.000
Manhattan 1 0-1 .000
Marietta 4 4-0 1.000
Maryland 17 7-10 .412 *
Massachusetts 5 3-2 .600
Merchant Marine 1 1-0 1.000
Miami 12 1-11 .083
Michigan 10 1-9 .100 *
Michigan State 16 6-10 .375 *
Minnesota 4 1-3 .250 *
Morgan State 4 4-0 1.000
Muhlenberg 3 2-0-1 .833
Navy 18 13-5 .722
Nebraska 6 0-6 .000 *
New Hampshire 2 1-1 .500
New Mexico 1 1-0 1.000
New York 16 9-6-1 .594
Norfolk State 4 4-0 1.000
North Carolina 5 2-3 .400
North Carolina Central 1 1-0 1.000
North Carolina State 1 1-0 1.000
Northwestern 5 3-2 .600 *
Notre Dame 4 0-4 .000
Ohio 3 2-1 .667
Ohio State 10 0-10 .000 *
Ohio Wesleyan 2 1-0-1 .750
Penn State 33 1-32 .030 *
Pennsylvania 5 3-2 .600
Pittsburgh 30 8-22 .267
Princeton 41 16-24-1 .402
Providence 4 2-1-1 .625
Purdue 2 2-0 1.000 *
Quantico Marines (VA) 1 0-1 .000
Rhode Island 1 1-0 1.000
Richmond 6 5-0-1 .917
Rutgers ASTP (NJ) 1 1-0 1.000
South Florida 9 7-2 .778
Southern California 1 0-1 .000 *
Southern Methodist 1 1-0 1.000
Springfield 11 10-1 .909
St. Lawrence 1 1-0 1.000
Susquehanna 1 1-0 1.000
Swarthmore 1 0-1 .000
Syracuse 40 13-27 .325
Tampa 1 0-1 .000
Temple 39 23-16 .590
Tennessee 4 1-3 .250
Texas 2 0-2 .000
Texas Southern 1 1-0 1.000
Texas State 1 1-0 1.000
Tulane 7 5-2 .714
UCLA 1 0-1 .000 *
Vanderbilt 3 1-2 .333
Vermont 2 2-0 1.000
Villanova 10 5-5 .500
Virginia 3 2-1 .667
Virginia Tech 16 4-12 .250
Wagner 2 2-0 1.000
Wake Forest 3 0-3 .000
Washington 3 1-2 .333 *
Washington State 2 1-1 .500
Wesleyan 1 1-0 1.000
West Chester 1 0-1 .000
West Virginia 32 3-29 .094
Western Reserve 1 1-0 1.000
Widener 3 2-0-1 .833
William & Mary 10 6-4 .600
Wisconsin 6 0-6 .000 *
Wooster 1 1-0 1.000
Yale 3 2-1 .667
TOTALS 493-473-14 .510
*   current conference member





Rutgers Scarlet Knights
College Football Won/Loss Records By Decades

1930 89 49-34-6 .584
1940 78 54-23-1 .699
1950 87 42-44-1 .489
1960 92 57-35 .620
1970 110 74-35-1 .677
1980 109 47-58-4 .450
1990 110 37-72-1 .341
2000 121 58-63 .479
2010 124 49-75 .395
2020 60 26-34 .433
TOTALS 980 493-473-14 .510







Rutgers Scarlet Knights
College Football Won/Loss Records By Conferences

CONF   G   W-L-T   AVE
NonConf 639 362-264-13 .577
BigE 150 48-101-1 .323
Big10 97 20-77 .206 *
Mid3 57 39-18 .684
MiAC 16 14-2 .875
PostSea 13 7-6 .538
AAC 8 3-5 .375
TOTALS 980 493-473-14 .510
*   current conference affiliation


Rutgers Scarlet Knights
College Football Conference Descriptions

AAC   American Athletic Conf.
Big10   Big Ten Conference *
BigE   Big East Conference
MiAC   Middle Atlantic Conference
Mid3   Middle Three Conference
*   current conference affiliation









Rutgers Scarlet Knights NCAA FBS College Football Scores

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Last Updated: 3/29/2025 2:42:13 PM